Joseph Rosario

A fine site

Month: August, 2006


Joseph Rosario
August 24th, 2006

This document is just a test.
I’m using Google’s newly launched “Writely” service.

8/10/06 – Transatlantic Terrorist Aircraft Plot

A comprehensive wiki article of the late breaking news of the transatlantic aircraft plot.

read more | digg story

i wonder if you know how they live in tokyo

night as fallen, and here I am again.

these past few weeks have been the past few weeks.
jess, marvin and I discovered a new Japanese Pub restaurant to satisfy our fancy, Kappo Honda. it’s located on the northeast corner of Brookhurst and Ellis Ave. in Fountain Valley. they open 7 days a week, from 5:30pm-1:00am. initially, it was just a new ‘late night eats’ place. but with their diverse selection of delish authentic japanese cuisine, it has become a new favorite.


breaking the ‘once a month’ tradition, jess and I have declared Kappo Honda worthy of stepping beyond our own rules. there is another location in Tustin, with the same hours and slightly pricier menu, but it doesn’t maintain the same home-y atmosphere.

during the week, jess and crystal have been coming over to watch the new season of project runway. the show has already started killing off two of the best talents, Malan and Keith. so i’m a bit wary of what’s to come, but it’s still great fun to watch. in the meantime, jess and I have pretty much been making ice cream every week with the ice cream maker jenn bought for us. (thanks jenn! it’s awesome.) and to mix it up, jess and I throw in some food coloring to mess with our heads.


on the personal front, i’m still keeping up with my own business slowly. i’m getting really excited about the upcoming 3rd season of The Office. Office Tally is a great website that keeps fans up to date with virtually everything related to the show and cast. i’m hoping to mail in my autograph request to the lovely Jenna Fischer tomorrow. i’m currently in the middle of designing a few things to put up on my walls to help fill up the blank space around me.

this week also started off with WWDC ’06. for those of you that don’t know, WWDC is Apple’s annual World Wide Developers Conference. and with every apple hosted event, it’s kicked off with a keynote from Steve Jobs. this year’s keynote previewed the next release of OS X, Leopard. it’s showing to be an awesome update. stated to be released this Spring, Apple is ingeniously using Vista’s delays as time to fit whatever new innovations they can. secondly, Steve debuted the Mac Pro. it’s such a sweet machine. I did some configuring on the Apple website, and found that I’ll need a cool $3,300 to get the main essentials, and then probably another thousand upgrading the components to my dream desktop. it’s a work in progress, but I think I can do it by the time Leopard comes out officially.

until then, I have my eye on the Sony Ericsson k790a. there’s been a lot of talk about the whole 800mhz and 850mhz signals. depending on who you talk to, having the 850 band will or won’t be beneficial. currently on ebay, you can get the k790i/k800 which don’t have the 850 band, for just over $400. it looks like a great starting price. for now I’ll hold off and see if Cingular releases the ‘a’.

that’s about all for now.
i have a few things waiting to be delivered, but i’ll report back about that stuff at another time.
till then, i’m out.