It’s hard enough to see the world as it is and hold on anything

Song: Dido – Quiet Times (listen)

I’ve been steadily clearing out my room and moving stuff back to Nor*Cal. Pretty much everything fit into two trips up. Now I’m just left with a bare room only occupied with my daily essentials. It’s actually been a rather therapeutic experience, forcing myself to get rid of all the crap I’ve collected over the past 6 years down here in SoCal. It’s just amazing how easy it is to let go of material things these days. I remember back in the day when my mom and dad would prepare me for an earthquake disaster, they’d tell me that the first things to pack up are the family pictures. I finally get that.

Anyway, here’s two views of how my room looks in it’s last days:


(view from my bed)


(view from the entrance)

I’ll be making my final move this weekend.