Joseph Rosario

A fine site

Month: October, 2007

lady don’t take no shit insist on respect

My mom came down this past weekend, and that was pretty awesome. We just sorta hung out. Did a little shopping, ran a few errands, and made some potsticker sorta things. The usual. I’ve uploaded some photos of her visit to my .mac gallery, so you can check them out here.

In other news, Google has been doing some rework on their maps webapp. Just recently they included a public transit option for directions. So in this example:


You can choose different bus routes to take to your destination. Even though I think this feature isn’t exactly anything new, it’s very nicely integrated. Also, google has added in a profile page for Google maps. It’s amazing the kind of things they’re just throwing up these days. I know it may not seem like a lot, but when you take a look at their huge list of online apps, it’s practically everything you need for a full online experience.

Last but not least, these kicks are so old school fresh. They’re the Reebok BB 5600 Fireflys. Makes me want to go kick it with Michael J. Fox in back to the future. If I could only find them in these colors. The other colorways aren’t as ill.


My grandpa.


and i wonder if you know what it means.

So for the past few weeks, I’ve been trying to maintain a new routine of going to the gym every morning (or at least once a day). So far it’s been pretty good. Originally my bro just wanted me to look good for his wedding next year, but I guess I’ve picked up a few other motivating factors along the way. Anywho, this morning as I was doing the elliptical machine, I noticed an interesting set of people on the machines in front of me. There was an elderly white man that looked like your average white Irvine retiree that has all the time in the world to just relax and enjoy life. Next to him was an asian girl that was probably fitting in gym time in the morning because the rest of her day was filled with classes. And then beside her was a typical Irvine mom-type; probably a “stay-at-home” that watches over the house and kids while hubby brings in the dough. And then finally at the end was a twenty something that obviously spends way too much time at the gym starring at the mirror. Okay, so now that you have that whole image in your mind…I really just wanted to talk about their music players of choice. The old man had an old school walkman that played cassette tapes. I could only imagine the kind of music he was listening to. Maybe some old country or jazz. He even had the huge headphones with gigantic foam padding on the earpieces. The asian girl had a sensible ipod classic — probably the 5G or 5.5G. I’m guessing she got it as some kind of present from her parents or boyfriend, and just uses it for what it is. The lady used a CD player just slightly more modern than the tape player. She got new headphones that totally didn’t match the CD player, but were good for jogging/running purposes. And the “Buff Bagwell” wore an 2nd gen ipod nano with the armband just barely fitting around his arms, trying to get as much attention around his biceps as possible. He probably goes clubbing every weekend to pick up whoever he can get. Or he just has a bunch of buddies that love to work out and do guy stuff. Hell, for all I know he could be a closet loner, that just loves to look at himself in the mirror all the time. Last but not least, I took a look at myself. I’m the geeky dude behind all of them with the iPhone with last night’s TV show all converted and ready to watch for my workout. I think it’s amazing how our little music players pretty much define us as who we are.

Lastly, I wanted to talk about this loser guy Huell Howser. He’s such a tard. I don’t know if you’ve seen him before, but he’s got his own show on PBS where he goes around and visits the most boring and irrelevant places as if they’re freakin gold mines. He’s like Samantha Brown x10, except his locations are just absolute shit. Anyway, he seems to have a genuine enthusiasm for what he does, and a good heart, so I give him props for that. But seriously….what a douche.

Here’s a clip from one of his episodes:

that’s it. goodnight citizens.